Tuesday, November 15, 2005

rainy days

today's been a gorgeous rainy day. i love rainy days, they are such great nap days. however, tuesdays are one of my busiest days of the week so no nap for me, but it's still great to be out and enjoy the weather. almost all the leaves have now fallen between the heavy rain and the horrid wind all weekend.

the weather is finally getting cold so that's a welcome change. i'm sick of the warm fall we had, so the idea of possible snow tomorrow is really exciting. actually the crazy weather people are talking that we might have a white thanksgiving too, which although that's always cool to have i hate driving home from school in that kind of weather.

well i have a meeting to go to still this evening and then back to work on my huge papers because i have to run home tomorrow for a doctors appointment. got to love having a problem with your eyes, especially during the busiest time of the semester. i'm thinking it's just eye strain and the fact that my eyes hardly produce any tears, but the blurry vision and focusing problems are getting sort of ridiculous.

school is soo trying to kill me.....


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