Thursday, December 08, 2005


this morning when i woke up the thermostat said it was -2 degrees outside. now how sweet is that. i love cold weather. must be the northern european heritage coming through, but i love snow. admittedly fall is my favorite season, but winter is pretty neat as long as there is snow. i hate that yucky transition weather when everything is brown and dirty.

today's been okay so far. i ended up getting to my first class a tad late, but the prof was still playing with overheads and hadn't actually started class. the rest of the afternoon hasn't been bad either. one class was a really super short review, mostly here's the format for the final now please leave, and the other class was cancelled since the professor was sick. although i'm concerned since my prof is a cute little old man with a funny accent and being old and sick is never great, it's not like missing the class will cause many problems. we were only going to review the last half of the textbook, which he wrote, so we should be fine. it all works out well for me since i'm suppose to email another prof three pages of a term paper at some point this week and i haven't had much of a chance to work on it. although i wonder what the actual week deadline entails since she is in beijing this week and i wonder if she is taking into account the time difference. eh, we shall see.

i best get going on that paper so that i can try and get some sleep tonight.


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