Sunday, April 02, 2006

the weekend

the weekend went pretty well, must to the shock of all those participating. mostly the shock was over how, after we got through the initial fifteen minutes of tension, we had the first family gathering with my dad's parents without someone causing problems. actually made the whole experience rather weird, because it's been so long since anyone was remotely relaxed any time my grandparents came over. only downside to the whole weekend was that my mom did something pretty bad to her shoulder a week ago and so she couldn't lift anything so we all had to pitch in a lot and she was in considerable pain.

i received some great presents for my birthday including two non-stick pans from my siblings, four settings of a dish set, and 40 glasses from my parents. now if only i could get more time to apply for even more jobs so that i could one day use these in my own place...

i am proud of myself in that i even managed to get some homework done over the weekend so i didn't get too far behind on anything. but being the genius i am, i completely forgot the necessary book and notes for the paper that was due tonight at 6pm so i had to get back to school relatively early in order to get that finished.

now i've got to get some sleep before i fall over.


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