Friday, March 24, 2006

more snow

it's snowing...again. not that i should be surprised by this. i've seen snow in late april and a couple of years ago it was snowing the first week of may. the calendar may say that it is spring, but around here we don't believe it until at least june. while it may be snowing today and forcasted to snow all weekend, the crazy weather people are saying that next week should be all nice and warm, possibly as warm as in the 50s. got to love how fast the weather can change in the midwest.

now i've got a room to clean, some books to shift around, and a fridge that has indeterminable food products that need to be identified. plus there is that pesky chore of clearing the car of snow if i want to run errands later. thank heavens i left the snow brushes in the back seat.


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