Thursday, March 23, 2006

busy busy busy

i know i'm a horrible blogger. i'm sporatic about posting. although right now i have a perfectly valid reason as to why i'm posting so little. no i'm not living up the college lifestyle, i'm in the middle of three major research papers and projects that are all due with presentations within two weeks in april. i'm currently living with over 80 books from the library and lord only knows how many of my own. if i put them all on my bookshelf i would collapse the darn thing. i'm getting to the point where i can't wait to graduate just so these papers will be over. gah...yet another weekend of extensive researching.

on a cool note today there was a book sale on campus where a bunch of professors were getting rid of books from their offices and i managed to pick up some really neat stuff. a translated and edited copy of dante's divine comedy, a collection of the works of lord byron, a book on medieval europe, another on british history, two on french history of which one is in french, a book of french romantic prose again in french, and the most hilarious of all a harlequin romance novel in italian. quite the cool haul. i haven't read much in french in quite a few years and i figure the italian one will help me work on learning italian better and will look funny when i read it in class. :) i know i'm a dork when this is the coolest thing of my day.


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