Wednesday, February 01, 2006

current confusion

my latest current confusion relates to all the coverage of the abc reporter who was injured by an IED. why is this all over the newspapers, the news,etc? for the last couple of days we've all had to read or hear about how he was med-evaced to germany and then on to the united states with continual coverage about how he and the cameraman are doing and what might be the side effects of being injured, and on and on and on. give me a freaking break. do we ever hear about the soldiers, both us and iraqi, who are killed and injured daily? we never hear about the live saving efforts performed on their behalf. we never hear about how they will be affected by these injuries, how their families feel, about them. but because some stupid reporter was trying to "get the real story about iraq" the american public is forced to deal with a ridiculous amount of coverage regarding his health. good freaking grief.


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Lithium Princess said...

I agree completely!

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Caltechgirl said...

me too. Not to mention that they hardly even give it a notice when this happens to one or two of the soldiers. They deserve the news coverage.


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