Monday, March 13, 2006

life in the dorms

so i live on the first floor of my door and i happen to live beneath two boys. i've never met them, but from what i hear above me, they lead very interesting lives. everyday from about 2 till 4 one of them practices on his drumset, a drum pad, and the windsill. (i was in band enough years to tell the difference) one or both of the boys lead very active social lives. i mean very active social lives. as in i've been putting my contacts in at 6am in the middle of the week and i'm afraid that one wall of the bathroom is going to shake so much it will collapse.

on the average night around this time, i'm working on homework and usually watching endless reruns of law and order or whatever looks interesting. in an attempt to catch up on some blogs i've missed over the break, i've been quietly reading at my computer. at first i thought my suitemate was watching tv, but then i remembered she's not home tonight. no, it's one of the guys upstairs practicing vocal warm-ups. his pitch isn't too bad actually. it's just strange to hear filtering through the ceiling. perhaps one day i'll learn who these boys are and see what they really are majoring in. (i live in the natural science residential college dorm so it's mostly filled with nat sci majors and a few die hards who started out in the college and just won't leave. like me :) ) anyway, i have to day it's probably the best of all the noises i've heard from up above me. i sure like it a TON better than the incessant drumming.


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