Sunday, February 05, 2006


it's been a long week. i've spent the last couple of days just trying to catch back up on sleep and attempt to get some homework done for the next week. i still need to thoroughly clean the room and make my real bed up before tomorrow, but we'll see how far i get. my goal is to at least get the bed made so i can start sleeping up there again tonight. i'll probably leave the cleaning till later in the week because it will just get messy again.

my little brother is coming up next weekend to stay since my parents have decided to take a little weekend get-away. it's about time they did. there was some talk of it over the summer, but i don't think they felt comfortable about leaving the three of us kids alone in the house for a couple of days. i swear i've only filled the kitchen with smoke once and that was probably a good six years ago. anyway, they've decided to go away for the weekend and hang out with my aunt and uncle. it should be a lot of fun for them. they really deserve a break. plus it should be interesting to have my brother to stay for the weekend. my little sister, who also goes to the same college i'm at, will probably come over and spend at least one night. needless to say cleaning the room is an absolute necessity.

other than that we got a ton of snow last night. rained all day then turn to sleet then to snow. it kept things rather quiet the last couple of nights or at least the drunks stayed indoors. i shall be spending the rest of my evening relaxing on the couch watching movies and avoiding the super bowl. i never really have watched the game before and i don't intend to start now. i really don't see the point in it. i can think of a million other things i would rather be doing that watching the super bowl.


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