got to love it when your first class of the day is at 8:30 in the morning and you have to sit through the end of a movie about a girl becoming a suicide bomber. happily the chick chooses to not kill herself, but gesh... it really kills ones mood for the morning. or maybe it's just me. who knows. admittedly last week when we watched the beginning of the movie, everyone left the classroom really quietly and rather depressively. so i'm not the only one who felt a little weird about the timing of the movie.
the weekend was mostly relaxing, but for some reason i still feel tired. at some point, i'm eventually going to get around to making my bed. i've been sleeping on the couch (which pulls out into a full twin bed) since i moved back to school this semester and just haven't gotten around to making my bed. although the darn thing is over six feet in the air so that may have a bit to do with why i haven't gotten around to making it. plus with everything else going on in my life and the fact that most nights i come home and either eat dinner then go to bed or just go straight to bed, sleeping on the couch is seriously convient. but my brother is coming to visit in about two weeks so i should really get the bed made and wash all the couch blankets.
in other news, i finally got the proofs back from my senior yearbook pictures. the school goes through some strange studio that comes to campus to take the pictures and then they mail them to you. well after much hasseling and phone calls, my parents finally got the proofs saturday. from what i saw of the scans my dad made, they turned out pretty decent. a couple have rather goofy grins and in one my nose is all scrunched up for some weird reason. the studio also likes to take a picture of the student in cap and gown, which is a tad surreal to look at. i mean, i know i'm graduating in a couple months, but pictures like that seem to make it that much more of a certainty. the pictures also make my hair look really red and made my eyes look kind of green in a couple of them. i have blue eyes naturally and well my hair color is still up for debate. i've never dyed it, but no one can ever make up their mind what color it really is. i inherited by father's hair color and well..he says it's more dark blond, my mom says it's brown with blond and red highlights, and well i refer to myself as a brunette just to simplify matters. plus they don't like to put more than one word on your drivers license.
anyway, i've got a busy week ahead filled with meetings, a career fair, and lord only knows what else. will indie survive the week?? tune in next time, for further adventures...