Friday, March 31, 2006


i'm off for the weekend. heading back home for my bday celebration and some awkward moments with the family. should be a blast and potentially filled with blog-worthy moments. hopefully i'll catch up a bit on my sleep and possibly get through a couple books for my research projects.

have a great weekend!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

another year has gone by

Here I’m singin’ happy birthday
Better think about the about the wish I make
This year gone by ain’t been a piece of cake
Everyday’s a revolution
Pull it together and it comes undone
Just one more candle and a trip around the sun

I’m just hangin’ on while this old world keeps spinning
And it’s good to know it’s out of my control
If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from all this livin’
Is that it wouldn’t change a thing if I let go

No you never see it comin’
Always wind up wonderin’ where it went
Only time will tell if it was time well spent
It’s another revelation
Celebrating what I should have done
With these souvenirs of my trip around the sun

the official family celebration won't be until saturday, but that's what you get when you are in school. although on a funny note my parents called my room phone to wish me happy birthday exactly twelve hours apart when i coincidentally on my cell phone with the opposite parent. strangeness... anyway as usual i've still got some homework to finish before bed and there's that pesky test tomorrow...


It's sunny and warm outside. It's a miracle. Okay well it's warm, but i'm still wearing normal shoes and jeans. I refuse to concede to everyone else's herd mentality and wear flip flops and shorts. It's not that warm yet. Especially since, as usually the weather people are already talking about the temps dropping back into the 30s and 40s with storms and possible snow for the weekend. Got to love the midwest.

As usual i'm running late for lunch with my sister and there are hoards of young high schoolers with the families taking tours of campus choking up the sidewalk. hehehe should be fun to try and plow through them...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


it is that time of year again and the high school students are running amok on campus for their college visits. i've seen more lost parents in the last couple days than in the previous month. the weirdest thing is that these kids look sooo young. i know that i don't look anywhere close to my age and thus usually get mistaken for a high school student, but it just seems weird to see these high school students and realize how young they are. the boys in particular look very young. as it is i can still tell who is a freshmen on campus, especially the guys.

the dorm has also been invaded by lots of tours. the kids all look so scared, the moms are trying to absorb everything at once and catch all the important details, and the dads just look uncomfortable. i got a lot of stares from a family waiting to go up in the elevator this afternoon when i walked by with my overloaded laundry basket. strange people, you think they would have seen people with laundry before. darn shame with graduating i won't be able to help with the move in team, can't scare them with my bouncing energy at 7am. shucks....

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

no more class

after turning down going to the bar three times last week, i felt that it was more than time that i get away from the endless research and homework. since my evening class is now cancelled for the rest of the semester in order to give us more time to write our big research papers, my class has decided that we should use the time to our advantage and go to the bar. well most of my class. all the cool people that are willing to socialize. we all had a blast. we are such geeks that two people decided to race each other with the day's suduku and then we had a crossword competition. as a team member for the crossword competition we ended in a draw and have to have a rematch next week. i'm not sure if it is sad that we were having academic competitions in the bar or whether it just says something about how relaxed it is there.

Monday, March 27, 2006


i finally finished typing out the bibliography around 11 last night. i have 68 entries in primary sources alone. talk about a lot of typing. i even managed to find a couple academic journal articles that sort of fit along with my paper topic. on the upside this means i now have one of three bibliographies finished. now i just have to get going on the pesky project due tomorrow and meet with one of my groups on a group project. hopefully we'll finally meet the fifth member and decide on a feasible topic.

off to the library i must run as i'm running late for class as per usual, but hey at least it's sunny out and we might even reach 50 degrees today.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


so this may sound weird, but i was lying on the floor trying to think and pondering the ceiling when i realized that my carpet kind of smells like wet dog. i vacuum regularly and am a very clean person, excusing the mess of books and notes littering my floor, so i have no idea how this has occurred. i wonder if i lysol it if the smell will go away?

can you tell i'm procrastinating?

exciting weekend

okay so the title is meant in a very sarcastic tone. i've been doing homework all weekend. i spent all day yesterday getting my research projects organized and today i've got to write my weekly crappy paper, write a bibliography, and do more research. oh and i cleaned the bathroom. how's that for an exciting weekend? i'm definitely living up the college lifestyle by going to bed on the weekend by 9pm. oh how sad things have become....

on a happier note i've caught on my sleep a bit. i think i got almost ten hours both friday and saturday night. i'm still tired, but that's what you get for chaining yourself to your computer not moving for the weekend. it is nice though, to be able to do homework with a clear head and not having stress induced panic attacks because your too over tired. although it is sunday and this will likely change in a day or two.

now back to homework...

Friday, March 24, 2006

more snow

it's snowing...again. not that i should be surprised by this. i've seen snow in late april and a couple of years ago it was snowing the first week of may. the calendar may say that it is spring, but around here we don't believe it until at least june. while it may be snowing today and forcasted to snow all weekend, the crazy weather people are saying that next week should be all nice and warm, possibly as warm as in the 50s. got to love how fast the weather can change in the midwest.

now i've got a room to clean, some books to shift around, and a fridge that has indeterminable food products that need to be identified. plus there is that pesky chore of clearing the car of snow if i want to run errands later. thank heavens i left the snow brushes in the back seat.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

busy busy busy

i know i'm a horrible blogger. i'm sporatic about posting. although right now i have a perfectly valid reason as to why i'm posting so little. no i'm not living up the college lifestyle, i'm in the middle of three major research papers and projects that are all due with presentations within two weeks in april. i'm currently living with over 80 books from the library and lord only knows how many of my own. if i put them all on my bookshelf i would collapse the darn thing. i'm getting to the point where i can't wait to graduate just so these papers will be over. gah...yet another weekend of extensive researching.

on a cool note today there was a book sale on campus where a bunch of professors were getting rid of books from their offices and i managed to pick up some really neat stuff. a translated and edited copy of dante's divine comedy, a collection of the works of lord byron, a book on medieval europe, another on british history, two on french history of which one is in french, a book of french romantic prose again in french, and the most hilarious of all a harlequin romance novel in italian. quite the cool haul. i haven't read much in french in quite a few years and i figure the italian one will help me work on learning italian better and will look funny when i read it in class. :) i know i'm a dork when this is the coolest thing of my day.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


i got the weirdest combination of mail today. okay so it was two days worth, but still. i got a recruitment thingy from the marine corps about officer candidate school and a fancy invitation from the university president to a graduation reception at the president's house. i'm not sure if i'm going to go to the reception but i have a couple weeks to decide and i was joking with my dad that i should send in for the free pen on the marine corps thing. i figure if i do that then they'll probably either call or try and come talk to me and that would be amusing from my perspective. i'm way too small and too blind for them to really want me, but it would be funny to see their reactions upon meeting me to see how they handled the rest of the spiel.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!

it's st paddy's day or feile padraig if you really want to get technical. no, i'm not really wearing green today, or at least not currently. i'm not really that irish, more scottish, and more scandinavian at that.

besides it's only in the last two hundred years that people wore green to celebrate the day. previously the color was red, but then the darn english decided to change their military uniforms to red so thus the irish switched from red to green. oh, yes... i am a font of useless knowledge!!

anyway, i am probably going out with a group of friends and my younger sister as a girls night out. i definitely will not be drinking green beer. if god had intended beer to be green it would be that way. hopefully i'll be able to listen to some good irish music and i'll even try not to dance to it. we shall see. my parents are going to an informal concert of different local musicians which should be pretty neat to hear about.

if i'm going out tonight, i definitely need to get some work done. beannachtam na feile padraig everyone!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


yay!! finally a holiday i can get on board with, International Eat an Animal for PETA Day!! unfortunately due to still dealing with stitches and a painful jaw bone, the only meat i ate was some scrambled eggs with breakfast and the chicken salad sandwich with lunch. but i promise i more than make up for this every other day of the year when i can eat normally. yummmy... meat...

thanks to caltechgirl for the head's up.

Monday, March 13, 2006

little web quiz

found via Lintefiniel Musing

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.

hmm... possibly...

life in the dorms

so i live on the first floor of my door and i happen to live beneath two boys. i've never met them, but from what i hear above me, they lead very interesting lives. everyday from about 2 till 4 one of them practices on his drumset, a drum pad, and the windsill. (i was in band enough years to tell the difference) one or both of the boys lead very active social lives. i mean very active social lives. as in i've been putting my contacts in at 6am in the middle of the week and i'm afraid that one wall of the bathroom is going to shake so much it will collapse.

on the average night around this time, i'm working on homework and usually watching endless reruns of law and order or whatever looks interesting. in an attempt to catch up on some blogs i've missed over the break, i've been quietly reading at my computer. at first i thought my suitemate was watching tv, but then i remembered she's not home tonight. no, it's one of the guys upstairs practicing vocal warm-ups. his pitch isn't too bad actually. it's just strange to hear filtering through the ceiling. perhaps one day i'll learn who these boys are and see what they really are majoring in. (i live in the natural science residential college dorm so it's mostly filled with nat sci majors and a few die hards who started out in the college and just won't leave. like me :) ) anyway, i have to day it's probably the best of all the noises i've heard from up above me. i sure like it a TON better than the incessant drumming.


as the standard cliche says "if you don't like the weather right now, wait five minutes and it will change" well that has been holding very true for the last couple of days. we've been experiencing a big warming spell, but of course that will soon change. today has been a lovely balmy high 60s degree day with great huge gusts of wind so far topping 50+mph. after being blown from one side of the sidewalk to the other, i've avoided as many paths as possible flanking the river to keep from being blown in. it's almost happened before when a wind gust caught me on a hill path next to the river, one minute i'm on the sidewalk next minute i'm pushed down the hill towards the river.

anyway, it's starting to cool down and we're suppose to have snow later tonight. more snow on tuesday and thursday. got to love late winter in the midwest :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

i'm back.... kind of

i'm back at school finally. although i won't be posting much over the coming days. I have a paper due tomorrow morning at 8am that i haven't written yet and i'm still exhausted from the break.

I got the wisdom tooth bit out last thursday so i'm still all swollen and i've got a big bruise still on my jaw. it's still pretty sore and is making eating a little bit of a challenge. needless to say, the next few days will continue to be interesting.

after a doozy of a break i almost need a vacation to rest from the vacation, but back to the daily grind i shall go... i'll try and update some in the week about the crazy stuff that happened over break and anything blog worthy that may appear. now where did i leave that darn ice pack....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

spring break

I'm currently on spring break so posts will be few and far between. Partly because I'm busy with two papers and a possible minor surgery and because my own access to internet is either my younger brother's computer or the seriously old laptop currently kept in my parents room. So old, in fact, that it can't run firefox and it froze on me when i tried to have four ie windows running at one time. trust me i'd rather be blogging... on a happier note i've finished one of the papers. now i only have to deal with writing the paper that my entire class reads, the threat of possible surgery, and my brother and sister's birthday tomorrow. (no they aren't twins, just born three years apart and that is a story for another day)

turns out when i got my wisdom teeth removed way back when i was sixteen they ddin't really remove everything, in fact they left about half a tooth. it's been bothering me and now i have to go in and prove it to the oral surgeon to convince him that he really is required to remove all the wisdom teeth that he was paid to remove. the only bonus to me is if they use the knock out drugs to remove it and therefore i get a couple days of sleep. i could really use the sleep.

hope everyone is doing well, i won't be able to read any blogs and will have to rely on whatever interests my father enough to tell me. with everything on my plate it should be an interesting week :)