Monday, April 24, 2006

still alive

I swear I'm still alive. It's the second of the hell weeks with two major research papers due and tons of end of the year stuff. It's sad that I'm looking at finals week as a mini vacation. But damn it i deserve that mini vacation.

anyway i need to run and finish proof-reading paper number one and getting things ready for tomorrow. i get to go to a reception for graduates at the university president's house so that should be pretty neat.

eh, back to translating some old french before bed....wahoo

Thursday, April 20, 2006

i survived!!

i survived this week so far!!! yay!!!

today was the last of the presentations and my other group project is due tomorrow. i totally winged the presentation because i'm not completely finished with my research for the paper i'm to write for thursday. i just found a couple pictures and grabbed a couple notecards and winged the whole thing. hopefully it went well. as for the other group project, since i haven't heard from any of the three boys that i'm working with i'm assuming the draft i sent them was acceptable and i just have to print them off tomorrow.

all i have left to do for next week is write the paper mentioned above and fix all the corrections my prof gave me on my rough draft for my senior seminar class. i'm really happy about that paper. i got a 3.5 on the rough draft, one of the two in the class. my professor also mentioned in her comments that i should submit it to a particular academic journal and that even though i said i wasn't sure about grad school that i should definitely go soon. she also said i should use that paper as a writing example for said application.

gesh.. just when i thought i'm not doing grad school here's a prof saying go go, i'll help you with your application.. talk about conflicting emotions. it is nice though to have your abilities appreciated and recognized. it has definitely made me feel better about myself. especially after how unsuccessful my job search has seemed to be. i always joked about joining the military after college if i couldn't find a job. unfortunately due to a number of factors that isn't an option. maybe i'll just go back to working something like my summer jobs until i can build up enough funds to attempt to get into grad school. heck if i wait long enough, i might even get to come back here and do my grad work instead of going elsewhere.

anyway, i've got more homework to finish and some shoe packing before my mom stopped by this evening. packing the shoes alone might take some serious time :)

Monday, April 17, 2006


easter was pretty good. i didn't get back to school until 9 and my computer flipped out after doing the latest windows update and killed outlook express, but i'm doing great. my dad thinks he can fix the email issue so other than having to use the icky school web interface things are good.

the dear easter bunny left me a lovely bathroom set of a soap dish, toothbrush holder, and a soap dispenser/lotion holder. i'm not big on candy and it seems like a waste to spend the candy money on me when my siblings are more into it than me.

we spent the day at my aunt's house which was a blast. my mom's sister and my cousin are fantastic cooks, not that my mom isn't great. we had a lovely ham dinner and i stuffed myself silly. my cousin looks like she's dropped another 15-20 lbs since christmas and is starting too look as skinny as she did back when i was really little. my other cousin and his wife and kids were also there. his daughter is ten and hitting that preteen witch mode which was fun for all of us. his son was adorable. he's five and showed up wearing a white button down shirt, his suit jacket, a bright red bowtie with jean shorts and his spiderman shirt. he deemed it a special enough occasion that he had to wear the tie. everyone played a lot of games and i got a lot of homework done.

my first presentation was today and went as well as expected. hopefully we don't get in trouble for going over on the time, but we'll see.

this week is the first of two hell weeks so i'll check in when i get the chance.

Friday, April 14, 2006

happy easter weekend

Happy Easter everyone!!

I'm heading home for the weekend with a huge pile of homework and an even larger pile of dorm junk. i think i'm going to scare my dad in a couple minutes when he comes to pick me up, but well he can't complain... i cleaned up a bit...:)

anyway hope everyone has a fantastic holiday and i guarentee i'll have some blog-worthy events to tell you all about as we're headed to my aunt's house for the holiday and between my crazy cousins and second-cousins it should be interesting.

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

my window

so after the last couple weeks of nicer weather i've come to a conclusion regarding my must be the official goal post of every ultimate frisbee game played on the front lawn of the dorm. the window has soo many plastic marks from where frisbees have hit it. after the window getting hit four times in twenty minutes this evening, i'm thinking i'm going to have to add talking to the hall manager to my list of things to do tomorrow.

not so normal

i know i'm not so normal, i mean nothing new there really. however with all the work i've had to get done this last week i've found listening to music helps to keep me concentrated on the work i need to do and it helps block out a lot of the dorm noises. you'd think that this music was either classical or something fun and peppy. well it's fun and sort of peppy, but for some reason i get the most work done when i listen to my veggie tales sing-alongs cd o veggie, where art thou? i'm still confused as to why this works out the best, but for now i'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. productivity is my friend. anyway the peas are about ready to sing again and i've got a memo to write before i can catch up on this week's house while i pack.

nutty week

this week has officially been a nuts. the last two nights i've been in meetings until late with tons of homework to keep me busy. of course with two group projects to get finished, two presentations next week, and another paper to write it's only natural that there is quite a lot of work to get done. but if i manage to keep somewhat to the schedules i've set myself to, i might just manage to get everything done relatively on time. speaking of schedules i've still got some work to do before class today and some stuff to find on my floor that i haven't seen in a good week.

however, the weather looks like it will be lovely today and i will be getting home before 9pm so the day is already looking up. i even get to pack up a ton of stuff to bring home this weekend so i'll finally have some space in my room again. i might even get to use my chair again... how cool would that be :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

strong stomach

i'd say i've developed a strong stomach over the years. today i spent lunch and dinner reading a book of forensic pathology case studies complete with pictures from the actually cases. did i mention lunch was spaghetti and meatballs?

either i'm completely desensitized or i'm just strange...

gorgeous day

today has been a gorgeous day. we even reached 60 degrees and had a brillantly sunny day. everyone is outside enjoying the weather and the shorts and flip-flops appear to be here to stay. the rest of the week is suppose to be very warm so that should be a nice change from the threat of snow flurries. although i personally have seen snow on the ground in may so even though it's warming up we never take it for granted.

well i've got some toes to paint, if i'm to break out my flip flops tomorrow...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

the real were-rabbit

after spending much of my spring break helping watch my mother's day care and viewing countless screenings of Wallace and Gromit's The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, i have now been further traumatized by a recent news article found via drudge.

the were-rabbit does exist.

now how creepy is that. and they tell us that movies aren't real....


Your Lucky Underwear Is Red

You're confident and bold, and your lucky red underwear will only make you more sure of yourself.
You have a great zest for life, and you tend to take on impossible goals - and succeed.

When it comes to love, it's hard for you to take the time to open up. You're too busy conquering the world.
So if you're looking for a little more romance, put on your red underpants. And see where their passion takes you!

intriguing... perhaps i need to go shopping soon as i don't believe that color is well represented in my wardrobe.

found via ctg who celebrated her munuversary yesterday!

Friday, April 07, 2006

lovely rainy day

it's pouring rain outside and sounds great as it hits the windows. the only downside is that it's a bit chilly, but all in all a perfect day to nap. unfortunately i haven't had time to nap, but i did get to sleep in a bit today and it was nice to have it so comfortably dark so late.

since braving the rain has left me a bit chilled, i am off to take a nice hot shower before it's time to get ready to go out for the evening. my club is going on a bar crawl all over town and i have to go pick up my sister in a couple hours so we can be somewhat on time for the start of the festivities. it should be a really fun night hanging out with all my friends and there have been some hints about possibly karaoking so that should definitely lend itself to some memorable pictures.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Tartan Day

For those of you not in the know, today is tartan day. Basically it's a big Scottish heritage day. for more information the ever cool Ith hosts the official blog festivities.

As for my scottish heritage, as near as we can figure my mother's side of the family immigrated from Scotland. we aren't too sure on the when or from where as her family is very appalachian and we're not even sure where her grandfather is buried let alone any sort of decent family records.

strange sightings

you never know what you will find when walking around a college campus.. mine is no different.

this afternoon on my way back from class as i was passing our administration building i noticed that the funny statue of one of our former presidents was wearing a big gaudy fake gold necklace with a big pendant that was covering the top of his tie. i wonder who put it there and why...

then as i was passing our auditorium there were two big tour buses sitting in the front parking are with some strange trailers about the energy tour. i had absolutely no clue what was going on until i had walked past the loading docks and saw the huge trailer pulled up to the dock. i only realized that a band must be playing there because the only identifier on the trailer was a tiny car bumpersticker stuck to the back left bottom edge. i think it said "i love guster". course i then end up passing one of the weird message boards on campus to see a poster about how guster was coming. very bizarre day...

reminds me of a couple years ago when i was driving around campus with a couple friends and we got cut off by the counting crows tour bus. the driver had no clue where they were going and the lead singer with the weird hair was up at the front of the bus trying to figure out what to do. at the time we were a little annoyed to get cut off, but really considering the number of one way streets and parking lots that look like streets it's no wonder people get so lost all the time driving around here.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

long week

so this week has been way too long. i didn't get home yesterday until after ten because of meetings and well i went to the barrel twice. one of my classes doesn't meet anymore so we go to the barrel and have dinner and goof off. i lost the crossword race this week...darn.. have to practice more in my non-existant free time.

today i was a good student though. i got a bunch of homework done between the end of my classes for the day and dinner and then went to the library for three hours before a meeting. course i didn't get home until after 9:30 so not a whole lot better. however, i got through all the books i needed to read and organize to do one of my research papers. tomorrow's goal is to get through as many of the academic journal articles and the primary source as much as i can. that and go to bed really early to catch up on all the lost sleep before the weekend.

gah.. i'm getting soooo sick of school. i now just have to get some stuff organized for tomorrow before i can get to bed, fun.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

the weekend

the weekend went pretty well, must to the shock of all those participating. mostly the shock was over how, after we got through the initial fifteen minutes of tension, we had the first family gathering with my dad's parents without someone causing problems. actually made the whole experience rather weird, because it's been so long since anyone was remotely relaxed any time my grandparents came over. only downside to the whole weekend was that my mom did something pretty bad to her shoulder a week ago and so she couldn't lift anything so we all had to pitch in a lot and she was in considerable pain.

i received some great presents for my birthday including two non-stick pans from my siblings, four settings of a dish set, and 40 glasses from my parents. now if only i could get more time to apply for even more jobs so that i could one day use these in my own place...

i am proud of myself in that i even managed to get some homework done over the weekend so i didn't get too far behind on anything. but being the genius i am, i completely forgot the necessary book and notes for the paper that was due tonight at 6pm so i had to get back to school relatively early in order to get that finished.

now i've got to get some sleep before i fall over.